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Chevy Chase At Home

We Are Neighbors Helping Neighbors Live At Home

HomeBoard & Committees

Board and Committees

Chevy Chase At Home is incorporated in the State of Maryland and is constituted as a non-profit charitable organization providing services to enable our older residents to live independently in their own homes.

Residents of our communities serve as volunteers on the Board of Directors and the various Committees structured to develop and implement the support services of the organization.

We welcome members, volunteers and neighbors to serve on our committees!

2025 Board of Directors


Peggy Mercorella, ChairRonie Nieva, Vice-ChairDeborah Scheck, Secretary
Lynne Pratt, Treasurer
Jennifer Riesch, Executive Director, non-voting


Karen BokatSusan KahnBob LeibenluftDoug McDanielMary O'DonoghueSusan PostCatherine SchirmeierJohn Ydstie

2025 Committee Leadership

Marketing and Communications Committee



Karen SpanglerJan AugustineRoberta LarsonJean SperlingFran Pitlick


Produce quarterly newsletter;Communicate regularly with partner and community organizations and local media;Spread the word about CC@H, events and programs via promotional materials;Maintain web site and Forum and promote CC@H through social media;A/V tech support at CC@H events.

Annual Appeal/Fund Development Committee


Bob Leibenluft


Peggy MercorellaDoug McDaniel


Create and develop systems, programs and financial support to meet the changing financial needs of the organization;Explore opportunities for financial support including corporate donors, public and private grants;Identify and cultivate potential major donors.

Speakers Series Committee


Deborah Scheck


Susan Hamburger
Bob LeibenluftSusan PostJohn Ydstie


To identify and secure interesting and notable guest speakers for events hosted by Chevy Chase At Home.

Interest Groups Committee


Susan Post


Rita SeifertBob Post


To develop and coordinate interest groups offered by Chevy Chase At Home including the book group, movie group, men's poker group, coffee and conversation, brunch bunch, knitting and needlecraft group, and walking groups.

Nominations Committee


Lynne Pratt


Karen Spangler


  • Recruit potential directors and officer nominees from a pool of potential leaders with diverse skills and who are recruited from all the sections in CC@H’s catchment area

Membership Committee

Are you interested in becoming more involved in Chevy Chase At Home?
Join the Membership Committee, which recruits and welcomes new members. Help us reach out to neighbors who may be unaware of our existence, or the many ways that they can benefit from participation.

In normal times we meet every month or two in one of our homes. In between meetings, we give CC@H a visible presence at our social and cultural events and in our communities. Being on a committee is a terrific way to get to know other members, develop a deeper understanding of all that CC@H offers and have a say in how we develop.


Karen BokatJean Sperling


Susan Hamburger Ronie NievaSusan Post


Identify member services and benefits;Recommend methods and opportunities for recruitment and retention of members;Track membership trends.

Social Committee


Natalie Welle and Betty O'Connor


Sheila Cohen

Ross Heller

Ann Joseph

Linda Kaplan 

Susan Post


Bring together neighbors;Plan educational and cultural programs;Provide Members and non-members a place to connect with other Chevy Chase residents--a key to well-being as we age.

Volunteer Services Committee


Liz Nicholas


Peggy MercorellaNancy BennerSusan HamburgerCory RogersTina Maynigo


Develop training materials;Recruit and train volunteers;Evaluate the effectiveness of service delivery.