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Chevy Chase At Home

We Are Neighbors Helping Neighbors Live At Home



Join Chevy Chase At Home for a wide range of practical services and social connections - from rides to helping with errands, minor home repairs and technology, to brightening the day with a call or visit - all making it easier to live confidently at home and stay engaged in the community.  We are building a caring community and offer unique member benefits.

Chevy Chase At Home serves the neighborhoods of Chevy Chase, Maryland including Chevy Chase Village, Chevy Chase West, Edgevale, Old Hamlet, Riviera of Chevy Chase, Rollingwood, Section 3, Section 5, Town of Chevy Chase, Town of Somerset, Village of Drummond and Village of Martin's Additions.

Chevy Chase At Home offers Full and Social Memberships to those in our service area. Social Memberships are also available to anyone who lives in the surrounding area who would like to join. Our membership year runs from April 1st to March 31st of the following year. Any member who joins or renews now will have their membership valid through March 31, 2026. Join or renew now!


Full Members

Family and Individual Full Members receive these volunteer-provided services and more:

  • Assistance is a Phone Call Away - Caring professionals and a caring community to turn to for help, information, referrals, support and personalized assistance.
  • Transportation - Door-to-door rides within Chevy Chase and surrounding areas.
  • Groceries & Errands - Grocery shopping, prescription pick up and other helpful errands.
  • Assistance at Home - Minor home repairs, changing ceiling light bulbs, putting out recycle bins, moving heavy objects and more.
  • Medical Notetaking - Specially trained volunteers record information during medical appointments
  • Technology Support - One-on-one assistance in the home to troubleshoot issues for computers, tablets, televisions, smartphones and other electronic devices.
  • Communication and Visits - Friendly phone calls, visits and short walks; Keeping in touch and extra check-ins during inclement weather
  • Decluttering Assistance - Sort and reduce household items, making it easier to manage
  • Community Resource - Education, advice and referrals for healthy aging.
  • Notary - Make an appointment to have documents notarized

Full members also receive all of the Social Member benefits, including:

  • Social Events - Fun and enriching gatherings, excursions, and programs to be active and connect with others including theatre events, social events, happy hours, lunches and brunch bunch.
  • Member-led Interest Groups - Engage with others in small groups around areas of interest, including gardening/nature, knitting, needlework and crafts, aging well, book discussion, movie discussion, downsizing, mahjong, men’s poker, bridge, and more.
  • Exercise Classes and Walking Groups - Stay active and have fun with Tai Chi, Zumba, Music & Movement, and our Walking Groups.
  • Educational Programs - Discuss ideas, learn new skills, share information and improve knowledge
  • Speaker Series - Hear from experts and notable authors on subjects that interest you such as art history, travel, current events, healthy aging, and more.
  • Event bulletins and the Quarterly Newsletter - Keep up to date on member events with our weekly and quarterly newsletters and announcements
  • Special Programs - Home Safety, Vaccine Clinics, Preventing Scams, and more

Full Members must be 55 years of age or older. The cost of a Full Membership is $525 per year for an individual, or $675 per year for a household. Join now!

If our membership fee is a hardship, please contact the office. Scholarships are available.

Social Members

Social Members receive these benefits:

  • Social Events - Fun and enriching gatherings, excursions, and programs to be active and connect with others including theatre events, social events, happy hours, lunches and brunch bunch.
  • Member-led Interest Groups - Engage with others in small groups around areas of interest, including gardening/nature, knitting, needlework and crafts, aging well, book discussion, movie discussion, downsizing, mahjong, men’s poker, bridge, and more.
  • Exercise Classes and Walking Groups - Stay active and have fun with Tai Chi, Zumba, Music & Movement, and our Walking Groups.
  • Educational Programs - Discuss ideas, learn new skills, share information and improve knowledge
  • Speaker Series - Hear from experts and notable authors on subjects that interest you such as art history, travel, current events, healthy aging, and more.
  • Event bulletins and the Quarterly Newsletter - Keep up to date on member events with our weekly and quarterly newsletters and announcements
  • Special Programs - Home Safety, Vaccine Clinics, Preventing Scams, and more

Social Members of any age are invited to join the CC@H community. The cost is $375 per household, $225 of which is a donation. Join now!

If our membership fee is a hardship, please contact the office. Scholarships are available.

Join or Renew

Complete the relevant form below and submit with check by mail, or call (301) 657-3115 during business hours to pay with debit or credit card.

Membership Application

Membership Benefits


Updated: 1/2/2024 cas